Wiltshire Grain’s future-proofed plant

Wiltshire Grain is a farmer-owned, professionally managed cooperative, run for the benefit of its members to add value to their businesses. The cooperative and central storage was launched in 1984 with just 52 members. The initial storage capacity of 20,000 tonnes was constructed by T H White Projects.

The first phase of new plant development followed in 1997 and various phases have followed. The facility now provides a 101,000 tonne capacity to 152 members. In recent years, European grant-funding was obtained, allowing for the phased design approach to be completed and future-proofed to support their steadily growing membership and, of course, the recent increase in supply demand.

Throughout the various phases, T H WHITE Projects conceptualised the designs, planned and implemented the build, whilst also acting as the principal contractor through the various commissioning and customer hand-over stages.

Scope of Works

This project encompassed the following scope:

7 x continuous flow driers
5 x road intake pits
3 x bulk out loading bins
2 x rapid truck loading spouts

Key Results

  • Improved flexibility of combinable crops and storage
  • Ability to process crops to suit seasonal demands
  • Increased capacity from 20,000 to 101,000 tonnes
  • Improved site traffic logistics and management




Holding capacity

Wiltshire Grain,
Near Rollestone Camp,
Shrewton ,


  • Working together with T H WHITE Projects over the years has been great for our business. They understood our needs from the outset, and were able to fully understand our market, our business and our vision.

    Nick Brown, General Manager / Wiltshire Grain Ltd

  • The partnership we had initially with Wiltshire Grain, which expanded to include Openfield, stretches back over some 40 years. Over that time, we have witnessed the evolution and growth of 17 central storage sites across the UK, together with our seed processing plant in Lincolnshire. All aspects have been covered from initial concept to detailed design, right through to final commissioning and handover. These stores have stood the test of time and are testimony to the team at T H White Projects and their foresight in adapting to the ever-evolving challenge of the UK cereal harvests."

    Rob Sanderson, Head of Central Store Development / Openfield

    In summary

    Because of T H WHITE Projects’ unique technical knowledge and experience levels, they could design and construct this prestigious facility on a planned, phased basis over an extensive period, as funding became available.

    Their design and engineering team worked closely with the customer, thus ensuring a level of forward-thinking.

    This made this future-proofing challenge a very simple task.

    Andrew Workman – Head of Business Development

    If you want to know more about how we can provide storage and processing solutions for your business or to speak to one of our expert advisors. We’ll always be happy to get you started and answer any questions you may have.

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